
Dental Corbella


Dental aligners: in search of the perfect smile

When we talk about orthodontics, the first thing that comes to mind is usually metal appliances that adhere to our teeth to correct their position, popularly known as braces. But apart from these, there are more systems that have the same objective. 

In this entry we are going to tell you what exactly are dental aligners as such, when it is recommended to use them and what types exist. In addition to explaining what the main characteristics of each of them are.


What are dental aligners?

We can define dental aligners as those devices or systems whose main purpose is correct the position of the teeth

The goal of orthodontics is correct poor bite and faulty dental occlusion, which occurs when the teeth are crowded or crooked. Although sometimes, even though the teeth are straight, the upper and lower jaw do not fit together correctly. 


Types of dental aligners

There are two types: on the one hand, the so-called brackets, made of metal, which is the way any type of orthodontics is popularly known, and, on the other hand, the invisible aligners, which are removable dental splints made of a transparent material. They serve as replicas of the teeth and fit over them to straighten them. 



Although this is the name by which this type of orthodontics is popularly known, we are actually talking about fixed orthodontic appliances

Braces are actually small metal parts that adhere to the tooth. Hooked to these are small metal rings that actually exert force on the teeth and cause them to change their position. Therefore, the brackets are actually the passive parts that are responsible for transmitting the force of the other parts. 

Beyond metal brackets, new orthodontic systems have been designed with other materials with the aim of improving aesthetics. For example with the use of porcelain, zirconium or sapphire. Another of the most important advances are those known as self-ligating brackets. These incorporate a lid that avoids the need to use elastics to adjust the device and that do not rub against the ring. 


invisible aligners

Currently there is an alternative solution to the so-called braces that we have already talked about, the so-called invisible orthodontics. This is based on the use of transparent materials so that the system is completely invisible to the human eye. In addition, it is much less painful than classic metal ones. 

Each of the systems is made completely individually for each patient, and the splint or aligner is much more comfortable than classic systems. They can also be removed to be able to eat comfortably or clean them perfectly. The fundamental thing in its use is that the patient wears it for at least 17 hours each day, thereby ensuring correct functioning, in addition to carrying out periodic check-ups with the responsible orthodontist. 

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