
Dental Corbella


Foods that take care of teeth and gums

In addition to taking care of our dental health and being constant with the hygiene of our mouth, wearing a good nutrition Taking care of your teeth and protecting your gums can help strengthen and have good oral health.

Healthy habits can also help protect us of oral diseases and avoid discomfort after oral treatment.


Almost 100% of the population, both adults and children, have caries, a condition that could be avoided by practicing healthy eating and hygiene habits, and eliminating or moderating the consumption of alcohol and tobacco. 

Our diet can influence the health of our teeth. So much so that there are foods that are more beneficial than others.


Beneficial foods for teeth and gums

  • La carrot, If we consume it raw we improve blood flow to the gums and carry away the bacteria that are on the teeth. In addition, they contain fluoride, a very beneficial mineral to protect enamel.
  • The blue fish They contain vitamin D. It facilitates the absorption of calcium and phosphorus, essential for the construction of the structure of the teeth. It can be obtained from salmon, tuna, mackerel or sardines.
  • Celery for stains, since they contain malic acid, a substance that cleans teeth and eliminates stains. The best way to eat it is raw as it keeps its nutritional properties intact.
  • Citrus fruits like kiwi, grapefruit or papaya, They are foods rich in vitamin C, which helps collagen production not to decline. This is the main component of the gums, so its loss can cause major problems such as recession.
  • Dairy like cheese and yogurts, since they are a great source of calcium, essential for bones and teeth.
  • Eggs, legumes and zucchini, They provide us with the necessary amount of phosphorus to maintain the necessary structure of the teeth.
  • The strawberries are other of the most beneficial fruits since their high content of Xylitol will be your ally to combat dental plaque, they are also rich in fructose, which is a way to provide sugar to our body naturally. In addition, they stimulate blood circulation in the gums. 
  • El green tea It is a great antioxidant that eliminates bacteria and prevents the formation of tartar. In addition, it reduces the acidity of saliva and helps prevent cavities from appearing.


Foods to avoid

  • The candies Hard and sugary foods can damage enamel and endanger oral health. They are full of sugar that adheres to the teeth and dissolves very little by little.
  • The cakes, since they contain a lot of sugar and are difficult to avoid since it is one of the indulgences that few of us can resist.
  • El ice, as biting into it can crack the enamel and leave the tooth exposed.
  • El coffee, since it is very aggressive with the enamel of our teeth and deteriorates the natural color of our smile.

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Goya Clinic

Hilarión Eslava Clinic

Ortega y Gasset Clinic

Las Rozas Clinic

Majadahonda Clinic

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Monday to Thursday
10: 00 - 14: 00 / 15: 00 - 19: 00

10:00 - 14:00


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