
Dental Corbella


What are tooth cavities and how to prevent them?

Cavities are, perhaps, one of the worst problems, but also the most common, when it comes to oral health. Can be prevented and, perhaps, prevent advancement, but not eliminate it completely.

Therefore, when we are aware of the problem, the best option is to go to the dentist and begin the treatment that he recommends. Although, to try to avoid them, in this article we will tell you what cavities are exactly, as well as tips so you can prevent them.


What are cavities?

La caries is an infectious pathology of the mouth that can happen to all people throughout their lives. Through the fermentation of sugars, through the microorganisms inside our mouth, different acidic liquids are generated that adhere to the tissues of the teeth.

This creates a demineralization of those hard tissues that, if it advances and is perpetuated over time, can cause devastation. Which causes softening and the formation of a cavity.

The cavities reduce the variety of bacterial species present in the mouth throughout the day. There are studies that reveal that approximately 600 types adhere to healthy tooth plaque, a figure that decreases to 200 when found in dentin.

At the beginning, a white spot can be observed, which darkens with the passage of time as the lesion progresses.

Those cavities that are hidden in the area between teeth are very difficult to detect at first glance. Therefore, in certain situations, intraoral x-rays are needed to diagnose them in time.


 How can I prevent cavities?

 For cavity prevention, it is proposed to continue a sequence of oral health measures:

  • Do adequate daily dental cleaning, insisting on the use of dental floss and interdental brushes.
  • Maintain a balanced diet, limiting the intake of sweets and soft drinks, especially as it relates to their frequency.
  • Chew gum without sucrose and, if possible, containing xylitol, because it can help prevent cavities.
  • Use of specific fluoride treatments for high-risk patients under the prescription and control of your dentist.
  • Detect and treat certain pathologies, such as anorexia nervosa, bulimia or gastroesophageal reflux.
  • Placing fissure sealants in the mouth or teeth: used to cover bacteria-retentive regions on the back teeth, with the intention of preventing cavities.
  • If there is dry mouth, use saliva substitutes and drink water.  

In summary, if you follow all these steps you will be able to have better oral health and avoid unpleasant discomfort. 

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us through any of the means that we put at your disposal and that you can find on this page. Remember that you can find us in our dental clinics located in Las Rozas, Majadahonda, Hilarión Eslava and Goya. 

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Goya Clinic

Hilarión Eslava Clinic

Ortega y Gasset Clinic

Las Rozas Clinic

Majadahonda Clinic

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Monday to Thursday
10: 00 - 14: 00 / 15: 00 - 19: 00

10:00 - 14:00


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