
Dental Corbella


Nieves - Advanced Implantology

In this case, the patient comes to the clinic because he has a periodic problem, with great bone loss accompanied by great mobility.



Diagnostic study:

Patient with severe periodontal disease with great bone loss accompanied by great mobility.

Case planning:

Multiple extractions in the upper and lower arches and placement of immediate implants.

Upper and lower rehabilitation in porcelain metal (cat-cam) 24 pieces.

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“Because of fear, it took me a long time to decide to go to the dentist, although I knew I needed it, now I only regret not having gone sooner. The treatment has been impeccable, both human and professional, and I am very happy with the result.“

Satisfied Patient

Case made by:

Surgery: Dr. Rodolfo Corbella
Prosthesis: Dr. Antonio Mora


Dr. Rodolfo Corbella
Dr. Antonio Mora

Your virtual consultation

Arrange your video call to present your case and ask us for our opinion.

Easy and free.

It doesn't matter where you live

We treat patients who reside outside of Madrid and abroad.

We can coordinate your treatment and your stay


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Video consultation

Make an appointment for a Video Consultation with our dental advisor.

Easy and free.

Or give us a call

How can we help?

Our clinics

Goya Clinic

Hilarión Eslava Clinic

Ortega y Gasset Clinic

Las Rozas Clinic

Majadahonda Clinic

Our schedules

Monday to Thursday
10: 00 - 14: 00 / 15: 00 - 19: 00

10:00 - 14:00


Open chat
Welcome to Dental Corbella.
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