
Dental Corbella


How to choose a toothbrush?

La toothbrush choice is important, since it is the main instrument thanks to which we can carry out a oral hygiene proper treatment of teeth without damaging them or wearing down the enamel surface. In a previous article we have delved into the flossing.

Next, we tell you the characteristics of each toothbrush


Types of toothbrushes:

Toothbrush with soft bristles

It is less aggressive with gums and tooth enamel. They are the most recommended for removing food debris deposited on teeth and gums. Typically, dentists recommend soft bristle brushes for patients who have sensitive teeth or gums. Also, in patients with periodontal disease or after oral surgery.

Toothbrush with medium hard bristles

The bristles are stronger and stiffer. They are recommended for healthy and well-cared for mouths since they are not so sensitive. We recommend that you do not apply too much pressure when brushing as this can damage the soft parts, such as the gums, and the enamel.

Toothbrush with hard bristles

They are not recommended by our specialists, since they are very aggressive with the gums and enamel.

Shapes and sizes

There is a wide variety of sizes and shapes available. The toothbrush should adjust to the size of our mouth. For this reason, we must choose a brush that can move easily and brush the internal and external surfaces of the teeth. In addition, it is important that it can reach those areas that are difficult to access, such as molars.

Manual toothbrush or electric toothbrush?

Tooth brushing time does not change if you use a manual or electric toothbrush. Electric toothbrushes make brushing easier and can remove more plaque than manual ones. In addition, they are better for those who need help or have some motor difficulty when brushing their teeth manually.

So which brush do I choose?

The best toothbrush is the one that adapts to our mouth, easily accessing all the teeth. This, accompanied by:

  • a correct one tooth brushing technique
  • From the almost complete periodicity to clean our teeth (it is recommended to brush your teeth three times a day),
  • El tiempo that we dedicate to that brushing (more than three minutes is recommended)
  • The use of dental floss and interdental brushes
  • The force we apply to the teeth when brushing them

Choosing a toothbrush that is suitable influences our oral health. By easily accessing all the teeth and places in our mouth, it helps us prevent the accumulation of bacteria and the development of plaque and cavities.

How often should I change my toothbrush?

It is recommended to change the toothbrush every three months or when the bristles are open outwards.

We must keep in mind that using a worn brush can damage gum tissue, or generate the proliferation of bacteria and other microorganisms that can affect our dental health.

We recommend washing your toothbrush with water after brushing your teeth to remove food debris and toothpaste.

Don't forget to visit us so that our dentists can advise you and teach you brushing techniques.

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Ortega y Gasset Clinic

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Monday to Thursday
10: 00 - 14: 00 / 15: 00 - 19: 00

10:00 - 14:00


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