
Dental Corbella


Dental mechanic or technician: what it is and functions

In previous articles we have talked about implants, prosthetics and orthodontics. But do you have any idea who the specialist in charge of designing these pieces is?

The specialist in charge of designing said piece is the dental mechanic or technician.

The role of the dental mechanic is to design, develop, manufacture and repair the parts that we will use for treatments in the clinic.

The role of the dental mechanic is essential to be able to provide the patient with a treatment that perfectly adapts to their needs, improving your bite, aesthetics and providing greater security.

The parts they are in charge of are:

  • Classic and invisible orthodontic appliances.
  • Dentures.
  • Dental splints.
  • Dental crowns and bridges.

Our dental mechanics are responsible for creating or reshaping any part by hand to be more precise. On the other hand, the dental mechanic will at no time operate directly on the patient's mouth, since this is the function of the dentist. Then the dentist will be in charge of making the diagnosis to pass the instructions to the mechanic and then place the pieces on the patient.

At Dental Corbella We have the best dental technicians. We are aware that their function is essential when carrying out any treatment, that is why we seek to make them as efficient as possible to be able to have their prosthetic work with the highest possible quality and on time. 

For know more about our treatments contact contact with nosotros. 

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Goya Clinic

Hilarión Eslava Clinic

Ortega y Gasset Clinic

Las Rozas Clinic

Majadahonda Clinic

Our schedules

Monday to Thursday
10: 00 - 14: 00 / 15: 00 - 19: 00

10:00 - 14:00


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