
Dental Corbella


Immediate loading implants: New tooth in 4 hours

As we mentioned in our previous article, when we lose a tooth, we find it necessary to replace it with an implant. It is necessary to place an implant when you have a diseased tooth or when you lose a tooth, to avoid changes in your teeth. In this way we would avoid wearing down the bone and the rest of the teeth. When losing or […]

Open and closed sinus lift

With the passage of time and age, our teeth become weaker and some teeth may fall out. After tooth loss, we should urgently go to our dental clinic to undergo some treatment and recover our smile. But for different reasons there are patients who do not come with that […]

Invisalign, all your doubts resolved in a single article

More and more patients are concerned about their aesthetics during the time they are going to have orthodontics. For this reason, they usually opt for transparent orthodontics. Invisalign has revolutionized the world of orthodontics, since it will not be barely noticeable by the people around you and will allow you to eat and smile […]

Pyorrhea, what it is and how to cure it forever

Many times we have heard about pyorrhea, or dentists warning us about it, but we have not known how to associate it with something specific. Do not panic! Here we are, to explain in detail what pyorrhea is, how you can avoid it and the existing treatments to keep your smile as healthy as possible […]

How to brush your teeth correctly

Our oral hygiene worries us a lot, which is why we find it necessary to brush our teeth daily. But, have you ever thought about whether you are doing it right and if you brush your teeth the necessary number of times a day. Brushing is so important in our daily routine that most schools carry out […]

Yellow teeth Whitening or veneers?

Our smile is the first thing others see about us. That is why it is very important to take care of our teeth and maintain good oral hygiene. People usually pay a lot of attention to the smile, since it shows a better image and gives us greater security. For this reason, we always seek to keep our teeth as […]

Dental implants or bridges, what is best for me?

When losing one or more teeth, we find it necessary to replace the original teeth with a dental implant or bridge. In this case, natural teeth would not be replaced just for aesthetics, but our oral health would come into play. It is very important to replace the lost tooth(s) for various reasons, such as the other teeth overloading it […]

Receding gums, what they are and who suffers from them

What are receding gums? Receding gums, or also known as “gingival recession,” are those that have gradually worn away and receded, to the point of being able to see the root of the tooth. At the same time, we have the concept of a gummy smile, which is when the gums are predominant in the smile, as […]

What is odontophobia and how to overcome it?

All people, to a greater or lesser extent, have a certain respect or fear of making periodic visits to the dentist. Nerves, bad feelings or uncertainty are usually common when we go to the clinic, on the way to it or on the same day or even the days before the appointment. This fear of […]

Foods that stain and damage teeth the most

One of the first physical traits we notice when we meet someone is their smile and teeth. Factors such as whether your teeth look healthy, are well aligned, have no imperfections or even missing pieces take on a first-class character. One of the […]

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Our clinics

Goya Clinic

Hilarión Eslava Clinic

Ortega y Gasset Clinic

Las Rozas Clinic

Majadahonda Clinic

Our schedules

Monday to Thursday
10: 00 - 14: 00 / 15: 00 - 19: 00

10:00 - 14:00


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